Improve Your Drupal Architecture by Applying Object-Oriented Principles to Site Building

Improve Your Drupal Architecture by Applying Object-Oriented Principles to Site Building

Drupal stands out from other CMS solutions due to its highly modular nature. Instead of plugins that try to accomplish “all the things”, Drupal core and contributed modules provide various elements that can be assembled in unlimited ways to solve advanced problems. Within the Drupal community, a “Site Builder” is anyone involved in the act of assembling these elements into a complete solution. The more advanced Site Builder may go under the title of Drupal Architect.

The principles and advantages of OOP are not limited to writing code. In this session, we will apply the 4 principles of OOP (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism) along with SOLID design to Site Building and Drupal Architecture. No coding necessary.

Who Should Attend

This session is ideal for intermediate Site Builders who want to learn new ways of organizing Drupal elements into robust solutions. You should be familiar with standard Drupal building elements including entities and bundles (nodes, taxonomy terms, users, etc), custom fields, blocks and regions, and views.

Programmers may also benefit in learning how a good Drupal Architecture can significantly reduce the amount of custom code required in your project.